Innovation Club

Innovation Club

It is said, “Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat”. It is the human tendency to fear for the change. But there is one section of human race that will always welcome the change and accept the challenge that is the youth. Young minds if ignited with innovative thoughts definitely can create wonders. Probably we are being witness to the formation of platform to ignite the enthusiastic young minds of SNSPT. probably if we ask ourselves what is the necessity of forming Innovation club, another question arises can we survive without having such a platform in this competitive world?
Recently we have read that even our topmost universities and IITs don’t have space in top 200 universities of the world. The reason is lack of priority for innovation and research in the field of education. Probably at least now we have to wake up and see where do we stand?

With the intention of enhancing the innovative thinking and developing skills we have formed this Innovation club. Formation of a club is not a big thing in an Institution. But the vision, commitment and deep aspiration to excel is what that counts. Our students from this club have been participated in Project exhibition competitions consistently.

Now this Innovative club will give a common platform to all the different club members come together and share their views and ideas to contribute something innovative to this society. This is the age of interdisciplinary studies and innovations. I am sure this platform will open a new window in to the world of knowledge to our students.

We have planned to associate with medium and small industries and entrepreneurs of this area there by our students can imbibe their guidance and expertise to find technical solutions for the people of this locality.Our intention is to contribute something to this society by thinking together and working together.

Innovation Club Committee

A Innovation Club, SNS Polytechnic Sunkadakatte, Bajpe, consisting of the following members has been framed with effect from 16.07.2018.

Dinesh. K

L/CE- Co-ordinator

K. Shailendra Prabhu

L/ME- Member

Aruna Kumari G L

L/EC- Member

Innovation Club Committee is creates awareness, educate, nurture and inculcate a culture of innovation amongst students and to enable them to generate new ideas and become more innovative.